Daily Schedule
Breakfast Service: 7:35 am
Line up Bell: 7:58 am
Tardy: 8:00 am
Dismissal: 3:45 p.m.
K-3 Morning Recess: 9:40-10:00
4-6 Morning Recess: 10:05-10:25
K-3 Recess: 11:45-12:05
4-6 Recess: 12:15-12:35
K-2: Afternoon Recess: 1:20-1:40
K-3: 11:15-11:45
4-6: 11:45-12:15
K-2: 1:55-2:45
3-6: 2:50-3:40
Health Services
Learn from our school nurse how to keep yourself and your family healthy.
Elementary Students (K–6)
We understand the importance of building a solid academic foundation and establishing patterns that will help children develop a love of learning during their primary school years. At Wells Elementary, we commit to teach, accept, challenge, and inspire all children.
School Lunch
Breakfast and lunch are provided free to all students for the 2023-2024 school year.
Home Lunch
Home lunch means that a student has written permission from a parent or legal guardian to go to their own home for lunch. Students returning to school from home lunch before the bell rings must report to the office before going out to the playground. Students returning after the bell rings must report to the office for a tardy slip.
We love to have parents and volunteers participate in campus activities. For the safety of our students and staff, ALL visitors are required to enter through the front door and to sign in at the office.
SafeVoice Nevada
We do not tolerate bullying and are committed to taking every report seriously. If you are the victim of bullying, have witnessed bullying, or if someone has confided being the victim of bullying to you, please report the incident(s) here on our tipline: